Friday, February 21, 2014

Root of the Problem

Over the past year, I have noticed a huge gap in society. Humanity as a whole puts incredible emphasis on careers and "making it" at a young age. So much so that I believe our children are the ones paying the consequences of our actions.

The news is overloaded with crazed maniacs who go on shooting rampages and have thoughtless acts of violence for no found reason or cause. Everyone has their outlet to blame for the behavior and many think it's an issue of lax laws.

Now I am by no means stating that the parents of those who have committed crazed crimes are to blame; I am however proposing that our generation as a whole has lost track of what is truly important.

We get so wrapped up in ourselves and our own name and accomplishments that we forget what is around us. We spend hours upon hours advancing our careers, but at what cost? Our children are being raised by daycares, strangers, & extended family members. Children ride buses home after school to empty houses for hours on end. They have friends that no one acknowledges or cares about because we are too wrapped up in our own advancement that we don't have time to worry about those "petty" things. They will be just fine, we say... Or my favorite, "I turned out just fine."

Statistically, it is not fine. Teenage birth rate is at an all-time high in my state. Emotions are rampant in and out of the school system and our children are the ones that face the long-term consequences.

Stay-at-home moms are shunned for not being in the workforce. They are labeled as "spoiled" or "pampered" by a self-seeking generation.

Yet I see it completely differently. I see stay-at-home mommas as the real heroes. Without mothers who care enough to take their own agendas off the table in order to establish their children, our world would have already self-destructed. Biblically, women were created to be man's helper. No, I am not being sexist or medieval. I am simply stating scripture.

"Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make
 him a helper suitable for him." 
Genesis 2:18

Yet we live in a generation where if you are a housewife or a stay-at-home momma, you are shunned and deemed lazy. 

The past 9 months I have been a housewife. Although I have my bachelor's degree, my husband and I both feel like our house would run smoother if I was at home to take care of what needs to be taken care of. I am by no means lazy or spoiled, I simply am a wife who CHOOSES to be of aid to my husband. Being a coach's wife is often times a full-time job. Yet, over the past 9 months I have received SO many opinions on the decision my husband and I have made. I am always shocked and appalled when someone references the choice I have made as if it affects them. 

Now granted, some mothers do not have the luxury of a choice and need the income to support their family. I GET THAT. There is no shame in that nor should there be. I am talking about a generation where choice is an option, yet is overlooked in order to advance themselves. Is it possible to be in the workforce AND still be an involved parent? Absolutely... yet more often than not, that doesn't happen.

When looking out over the America that has risen up in today's society, I see one that is self-seeking. I am saddened by outcome and the consequences we are leaving behind for our younger generations. Yet all I can do is pray. Pray the Lord puts someone in the paths of these young people that is able to guide and lead them on a path of righteousness. For although my heart is constantly heavy for those children, His hands are forever faithful. 

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations." 
Deuteronomy 7:9

1 comment:

  1. Abbey, I understand your frustrations and the resulting heart ache that comes with seeing so many children that get pushed aside by their parents. I was very fortunate to be raised by a stay-at-home mom who set the bar incredibly high when it came to selflessness. I know as a kid I didn't thank her enough for all that she did, gave up and sacrificed for us... Now as a stay-at-home mom myself I am even more in awe of her never ending patience and love! We, sweet friend, are the lucky ones... Not everyone has the privilege of being the daughter of an incredible mother like we have. I couldn't agree with you more - we just have to keep praying and do our best to love on these kids!


Thanks for stopping by! May you have a blessed day!
XO, Abigail