Monday, June 17, 2013

Moving Madness

Exciting and crazy times have arrived once again in our household. All of the remodeling has finish and boxes are piled high around us. 

The weekend before our official "move" Lee and I hosted a retreat for all of his fellow Football Coaches and their wives. It was so nice to just get away, into a beautiful cabin on the lake-- and the best part NO CELL SERVICE! Everyone was ecstatic about the lack of communication available to the rest of the world for the night. I, myself, was happy to not hear my husband's phone ringing constantly. Oh the joys of being a coach. 

The guys spent the majority of their stay on the lake. When a dear friend of Lee & I invited them to go fishing, they swiftly jumped at the chance! The ladies on the other hand enjoyed sweet fellowship on the shore with sweet tea and lemonade at hand. 

Beggs Football Coaching Staff at the Coaches & Wives Retreat
Two days later, we packed all our boxes in to the moving van and headed to our new home. Although it was slightly scary and sad to leave our first home and friends that we will always consider to be dear, we both were/are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in our new town. So in faith we headed west. 

Change doesn't always have to be scary. Some of my biggest fears the Lord swiftly took from my mind. 

Less than a day after we moved, we were welcomed into a home where I was able to meet so many friendly faces. Not only were these faces warm and welcoming, but they were like-minded. As a coaches wife, I am always on guard. Always wondering, "what information are they trying to get out of me?" or "Are they just befriending me because they want more playing time for their child?" (which I obviously have absolutely no control, nor do I want control, over who plays and who does not play on Friday nights). But all of these thoughts rolling around in my mind slowly came to rest as I began to get to know a pastor's wife from our new found home. At the risk of sounding creepy, I actually felt like I already knew her, as I ran across her blog several months ago through the pastors wife at our former church (confusing enough? I think so.) Mrs. Gore's blog is just precious. If you haven't come across her blog yet, I highly recommend you skip over and get to know her adorable family. Her heart of gold is evident to all who read. [Click here to read Mrs. Gore's Diary]

Needless to say, I went home that night much more at ease. The Lord knew just what I needed and when I needed it. It was as if He was wrapping me up in His arms saying that He IS in control. He will bring us friends despite the fact that we are now farther from family. He will take care of Lee and I. We are His children and He loves us more than I will ever be able to grasp. That night, I felt the comforting hands of my loving Abba Father. 

As chaotic as the past few weeks have been, it has been some of the most meaningful weeks. Although the boxes are still plaguing us and the world around us seems to be spinning faster than we can move, I have enjoyed every moment (except for the day our air conditioner broke and it got to a whopping 90 degrees in our little home).

So here's to the next time I'm able to rise out of the mounds of laundry and piles of boxes... and to hoping the internet gets connected in our house soon!

1 comment:

  1. I found you!!! :) Someone just got to my blog from here, and I didn't recognize the site, so I thought I would come check it out and there was your beautiful, smiling face.
    I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing! Its funny you mention cell phones, because I don't have one, and since I couldn't go the facebook route to find you, I've been depending on our husbands to communicate.
    All that to say, WHAT a blessing to hear from your heart, and to know that God blessed you that night - He richly blessed us, too. I have more to say on that, but will wait until we can talk in person.
    Thanks for sharing my blog, and for those sweet, sweet words. You gave me a major boost this hectic afternoon. And I'm so excited to be able to keep up with you here! Much love!


Thanks for stopping by! May you have a blessed day!
XO, Abigail